
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Hello Everyone! For my next blog post, I want to talk about the new video game that was released alongside of the Nintendo Switch, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. This game is really something the Zelda universe has never seen before. This game brings Zelda up to the next level. In the game, you can explore everywhere. In the old games, you could only search so much but, in this game, you can explore EVERYWHERE. It's also the next installment to the franchise. So, it has a lot to live up to and it definitely exceeded many people's expectations. The graphics are amazing and the story line is pretty perfect. The Switch and Breath of the Wild were made for each other! If you won't be getting the Nintendo Switch anytime soon, that is okay! The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is also available for the Wii U. It's definitely worth every penny to get the game whether you have the Switch or the Wii U. Nintendo has a really good fan base which has allowed th...


Hi Everyone! Today I will be talking about Loyalty.  Many companies have loyalty programs and if its not a loyalty program then it will have deals that are sent to you via snail mail or email. Other topics of discussion in this post will be " Buzz ", accelerator effect , cause-related marketing , attitudinal loyalty , behavioral loyalty. Buzz marketing  is a viral marketing technique that is focused on maximizing the word-of-mouth potential of a particular campaign or product. A lot of marketing is sent this way because people will talk about things with people that like those things. If a new game is coming out, I will definitely talk to people that are also into that kind of game. Many companies rely on buzz because its a very powerful and useful way of marketing your product for free. The accelerator effect  refers to a positive effect on private fixed investment of the growth of the market economy. There isn't any information on the accelerator effect regarding ...

Nintendo's Integrated Marketing Communications

Hello Everyone! Today, I will be talking about Nintendo's Integrated Marketing Communications . Integrated Marketing Communications is defined as ensuring that all forms of   communications   and messages are carefully linked together. Integrated Marketing Communications   means integrating all the promotional tools, so that they work together in harmony. I will also be talking about vehicles, unique selling proposition, mobile marketing, point of purchase displays, and feedback.   Marketing Vehicles  are tools that Nintendo (and any other company) uses many different vehicles to promote new products that are coming out. Nintendo used many vehicles such as social media, television ads, and email. They also had promoted their product verbally to panels that they hold to show what new stuff is coming.  The unique selling proposition  is known as campaigns that make a unique proposition that convinces customers to switch to their brand. Nintendo has...

Nintendo's Supply Chain

Good Afternoon Everyone! It's me, Kyle, back to talk to you all about video games! So exciting, I know you've all been waiting. Today I want to talk about the Supply Chain of the video gaming world. The Supply Chain  is defined as the chain of suppliers  that an organization relies on to produce marketing materials. These materials can be print, promotional products, and point of sale. For further discussion, I will talk about pop-up stores, environmental sustainability, vertical and horizontal integration, and inventory systems. The widely known Nintendo even needs help with their supply chain. The company purchased a 70% stake in Jesnet, one of Japan's largest console distributors in August of 2016. The purchase of Jesnet was supposed to help Nintendo distribute, what was known at the time as "The NX", which is now known as the Nintendo Switch. With that big of a stake purchased, Nintendo has control over its product distribution in Japan. A Pop-up Store ...

About Me

Hello Everyone! My name is Kyle Despres. I am 20 years old and a college student studying communications at Southern New Hampshire University. I am in an Introduction to Marketing class and I have to blog about a certain topic and integrate different marketing topics. The topic I have chosen is the Video Gaming industry because I know a lot about video games and I love to play them to relieve stress and just for fun. The different topics that will be discussed are the supply chain , integrated marketing communications , and loyalty of video game consoles and some video games. With the topics that I have chosen, there are five terms that I will also integrate into my posts. With the supply chain topic, I will integrate pop-up stores, the supply chain, environmental sustainability, vertical and horizontal integration, and inventory systems. The integrated marketing communications topic, I will integrate vehicle, unique selling proposition, mobile marketing, point-of-purchase dis...